Yeeply Blog

Welcome to the Yeeply blog! Read articles on digital trends, app and web development, software programming, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, EPM, digital solutions and much more. Enjoy!

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New Apple: Ready for app development for Apple Watch?

Before yesterday, the technology brand Apple presented through Keynote in Berlin the spectacular arrival of its new products, including Apple Watch that we already knew was ...
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Content marketing and its importance in mobile applications

One of the greatest achievements of ICT, the rise of mobile devices and the increasing use of mobile applications is replacing the computer as a mean ...

Why use Augmented Reality for Android app development?

The world around us is not as simple as taking a look at our environment, but you have to interact with the environment too. It’s ...
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Advergaming in mobile app development:origin, examples and advantages

Anything is possible in mobile app development. But you have to get it right or it will not be of any good. Mobile games for ...
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TestFlight the app development testing service closes February 26th

Barely a year after the Cupertino Company acquired the service TestFligh, mobile app development testing tool, and Apple will close it soom. Developers of mobile applications for iOS using ...

Guide to create a Mobile marketing strategy in 5 steps

In this article we want to find the keys to creating a mobile marketing strategy to promote our app . The guys from SocialYou help ...
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10 apps to turn your smartphone into a mobile office

The best part of the arrival and the rise of mobile devices into our lives is that mobility and the digital world available to us ...
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What is new about Android’s 5.0 Lollipop?

The news has spread like wildfire in the mobile and mobile application development industry, the new version of Google’s operating system has finally arrived. Android ...
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How to get the right budget for a mobile app project?

Are you a mobile applications developer and are you looking for active projects to work on? Looking for customers but do not know how to ...
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Educational Apps for Children

When tablets burst onto the scene in 2010 with Apple’s iPad, nobody thought they would affect the children’s market in anyway. I mean, it seemed ...

How to write a good mobile app project

You might have an idea for an application and are thinking about hiring a developer to carry it out. But you still do not know what ...
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Smart Phones are Changing Mobile Consumer Behaviour in the UK

Smart phones are increasingly more present within the UK and greatly influence consumer habits. To what extent are the smart phones impacting on the lives ...
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Develop your online platform with the help of Corona SDK

Today I’m going to discuss a perfect platform for developers who wish to build games, apps and e-books for mobile devices. The Corona platform is backed ...
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How Important is Geo-location in Mobile App Development?

Let’s begin by describing geo-location, it is the process of finding, determining and providing the exact location of a computer, networking device or equipment. It ...

Unity 3D Game Development: Advantages & Disadvantages

It isn’t the first time we’ve written about Unity 3D in the blog. In fact, we recently published an extensive comparison article on game development ...
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Using Marmalade SDK for Game Development

In today’s technological world, apps with the largest market share are those who are available on several platforms. Long gone are the days of simply ...
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Is it profitable to be an Android Developer?

 There is a tendency to believe that an app is only profitable if you’re famous and you´re selling it for ‘millions of dollars’. But this ...

Comparison Between Unity and Cocos2D Platforms for 2D game development

Casual Arena’s team has been developing Flash game browsers since 2008. Within the past year, they have specialized in game development cross-platform mobile and tablet games, ...
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App Economy: Consumer Habits and use of Mobile Applications

The mobile applications sector took off in 2002 due to broadband connection becoming ready available in the common domicile. This is demonstrated with the study ...

Characteristics for your Tourism app

A mobile application can get thousands of downloads if it is; well developed, well designed and has a good marketing strategy. However, if the app ...