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Screen, colours and typography: basic elements in apps design

The success of a mobile application depends on many factors which can be controlled with work and effort. In this sense, the design of mobile apps is one of the most important elements. Without a good design, which allows users to interact well, the application will fall into disuse and not get the success that its creators had thought. But how to make a suitable design for an application that is being developed?

The apps design is based on three fundamental pillars

Without any doubt, the screen is the first thing you must take into account in apps design. Currently, there is a huge number of devices on the market, with different screen sizes and different resolutions. It is essential that the application is able to adapt to all these sizes and all these resolutions so that all the users have a good experience and feel invited to go on using it. This process will be time consuming if you want a mobile application to have the design adapted both to smartphones and to tablets.

The colour is another significant factor. The choice of it is important as this element can have psychological influence on the users. Colours can be seen in various ways by each person. In this sense, we should also notice the different display resolutions of mobile devices, because the same colour may not look the same in each of them.

The colour is closely linked to the typography, also in the apps design. The ideal source for a mobile application being developed can be any of the family of sans-serif. This is because it meets three conditions that favour its legibility in mobile devices: you can use large-sized types that are easy to read, their intermediate thickness is not too small or too big, and their span up and down is not too long. By contrast, the more artistic the letters are, the more difficult it is to read them, so you should not abuse these fonts on mobile devices.

When a company develops a mobile application to reach their customers, their responsible staff need to value what role the colour and the typography play in representing the brand image. It is important to manage these two elements to make the users remember the brand.

In the field of apps development in Yeeply we also have professionals that can help you. Our online platform not only offers you a wide community of freelance programmers, many of them also do the design of mobile applications. If you still do not know for sure what the best design for your app is, get the advice of hundreds of developers enrolled in our platform that are also experts in apps design.

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