
Read articles on the latest trends in app development. Everything about programming languages, technologies, prototypes and the cost of an app.

The Best Apps for Entrepreneurs

Nowadays it has become very difficult to find someone who does not have a smartphone. One of the reasons why these devices have become so ...

The Top Trends of Apps 2022 for Mobile

Mobile app trends for 2022 are already well defined. The market is expected to reach €662 billion. We already spend more than 90% of our ...

P2P payment applications: say goodbye to cash

Bizum (Spain) or PayPal are P2P apps that you have probably used at some point. These are P2P payments that allow you to transfer money ...

How and why to create apps for Smart TVs

We are increasingly going for online services, tools, and solutions that start making smart homes a reality. Such is the case with Smart TVs, which ...

How to make money with your app: free app vs paid app

Currently, up to 90% of the time we use our mobile phones is spent on apps. Therefore, how to make money with a free or ...

How to Sell Data of Your App: A New Way to Monetise Your Business

High-quality data is valuable to businesses, marketing professionals, and agencies to understand their target customers, improve their performance, and boost revenue. Data are valuable. That’s ...

The pros and cons of low code development

Ask any IT analyst and they will probably tell you that low code is entering the market in a very powerful way.   Industry analysts predict ...

The Importance of Incorporating An App In Your Business [Must-Read]

The business landscape keeps on evolving as technology continues to grow. Tech has been creating an impact on different industries around the world. As the ...

9 Augmented reality apps that you won’t be able to put down

Augmented reality apps are already present in our day-to-day lives. But despite this fact, it’s a technology that’s still very striking to us. Augmented reality ...

Differences between Android and iOS App Development

Creating apps for Android and for iOS may seem very similar to the untrained eye, but the truth is that each of these two operating ...

Mobile App KPIs: How to Improve them by Updating your App

An app’s development and release stages are very important. But these are far from being the end of the road. In fact, the real challenge ...

How to define the lifecycle of mobile software development

When creating a new mobile app, it’s essential to plan properly the software’s lifecycle. If you are not too well acquainted with this concept, this ...

Cross-platform App Development with HTML5

When choosing the type of development for your application, you’ll discover that you have plenty of options. Your final decision depends on the type of ...

Web Application Development: 5 relevant types and examples

Web application development allows you to have an app that’s accessible from any browser on any device. Also, unlike native applications, they don’t require downloading. ...

Top Mobile App Trends for 2020

2019 has been a good year for mobile app development. Terms like artificial intelligence, wearable devices, augmented reality or blockchain have sounded a lot and ...

The Best iOS and Android Apps of 2019

Every year there are one or several apps that are on everyone’s lips. These apps are usually also the most downloaded and provide an insight ...

Why is the QA phase important for app testing?

Testing your app is a fundamental part of its development process. Emphasis is often placed on other development stages, but it goes without saying that ...

M-wallets: an opportunity for on-demand app development

Mobile payment through m-wallets is becoming increasingly common. It’s undoubtedly one of the technological trends that are currently catching on.  Including this payment method is ...

[Guide] How to publish your app on Google Play Store

Once the development and testing phases are finished, the moment of truth arrives: the very moment when you publish your app on Google Play. It’s ...

7 Revealed Secrets of Famous App Businesses

Why would you create a business app? The most important reason that comes to mind is brand promotion.  When you make a business app available ...