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Mobile App KPIs: How to Improve them by Updating your App

Mobile App KPIs: How to Improve them by Updating your App

An app’s development and release stages are very important. But these are far from being the end of the road. In fact, the real challenge comes once these are finished: getting users to use your app. Do you know which mobile app KPIs are the most important ones?

In this article, we’ll be discussing how updating your app can help you improve its most relevant KPIs.

Pay heed to the following and make users fall in love with your app!

Reasons to update your app regularly

The mobile ecosystem is set in continuous motion and your app cannot afford falling behind. Errors occur all the time due to the many kinds of devices — as well as of manufacturer and operating system updates — teeming out there. Hence the importance of committing to carrying out app and software testing on a regular basis.

There is nothing more frustrating from the user’s perspective than wanting to use an app and witness how it shuts down unexpectedly or doesn’t work as it should. If this happens and the user is VERY happy with your app, he/she will probably wait for a quick bug fix and give your app another chance. However, if the user is not an unconditional fan, he/she will have no qualms whatsoever about uninstalling the app.

Having your app’s code available in an archive such as GitHub will help you keep track of the different releases that you publish in the app store, in addition to recording the errors that users may report.


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smartphone on a table with laptop
Smartphone with the Instagram app open. Source: Unsplash


Constant updates show that you are still working on your product and worry about its users. Having a quality assurance manager (QA) in your team helps forestall possible bugs and convey the best possible experience and quality to the user.

If you use an agile methodology like Scrum and make improvements on your app in each sprint, you will be increasing your app’s value for the user with each new version you release.

Continuous delivery is an innovative concept in software development — despite the fact that it’s becoming increasingly frequent. When sticking to this approach, the development, quality control, and delivery stages are not considered final. Instead, these are rather constantly repeated in a circular process.


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Therefore, the app’s quality is constantly improving and the user feels well looked after. And a user who is happy with your app’s new features and performance will use the app regularly or even spend more time on it.

Likewise, by regularly updating your app you can keep up with new market trends and your industry rivals. Ask your users for feedback on your app to be able to incorporate new features based on their demands more quickly.


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Mobile app KPIs: key metrics to take into account

Beyond the number of downloads, there is a whole series of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that can help you find out if your app is meeting your expectations or not. Do you wish to know which the most important ones are? Read on!

Ranking in the markets

A good job on ASO positioning will provide your app visibility on the app stores. And if it has good reviews and a high number of downloads, your app will also appear in the rankings devoted to its category. This will prove a great showcase for your app, as many users browse featured apps to discover worthwhile novelties.

MAU (Monthly Active Users)


office desk with computer
Mobile app KPIs’ analysis. Source: Rawpixel


As clearly set out by its name, this indicator helps you find out how many of your users are using your app on a monthly basis. This information helps you measure your app’s performance, beyond its number of total downloads. It’s a very valuable piece of information. Ideally, this KPI’s value will grow over time and a decrease in its value should be regarded as a whistle-blower indicating that something is amiss. When this happens, it’s high time to investigate what is going on and improve any aspects that are not being liked by your users.

DAU (Daily Average Users)

The Daily Average Users indicator reveals how many users actually use your app on a daily basis. It’s one of the most important mobile app KPIs because it highlights your app’s real engagement rate. If your app is well-liked by the user, he/she will be loyal to it and use it daily. And this will, in turn, translate into higher conversion rates.

Session length

As with website session length, this is one of the most useful mobile app KPIs to find out if users are satisfied with your app. There is obviously no ideal standard session length average time because this will depend heavily on the kind of app. However, it follows logically that lasting and — above all — recurring sessions are a good indicator that things are going smoothly.

App or screen flow use

animation of screen flow on mobile app
Example of an app’s screen flow. Source: Giphy

This indicator helps you keep track of your users’ behaviour within the app. It gives away information about how they browse your app, like on which sections they spend the most time and which are the least visited ones. These data will help you validate if the users’ navigation is going as planned. If this is not the case, maybe you should think about enhancing your app’s UX.

LTV (Lifetime Value)

LTV can be defined as the volume of turnover generated by a user within the period of time starting at the moment when your app is installed and finishing when it is uninstalled. This value will help you decide how much to invest in marketing to boost user acquisition. In order to calculate LTV correctly, you must be able to measure turnover, organic traffic, and user retention separately.


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Updating your app: the key to success

After analyzing the most important mobile app KPIs, you can see there are many advantages to updating your app on a regular basis in order to improve them. However, you must never neglect your app’s ASO when carrying out these updates. Remember to review your app’s description texts on the app stores. Explain in everyday language what these new changes entail and go beyond a generic descriptive text such as “bug fix”. Moreover, if you include new features or redesign an aspect of the user interface, incorporate new relevant screenshots.

Surrounding yourself with a development team with the experience required to understand your users and offer them what they are looking for is essential to achieve success. If you are looking for a digital partner, Yeeply can help you out.

Tell us about your project and we’ll find the perfect development team for you. We look forward to hearing from you!


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