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Remote Web Developer: the Advantages of Working with this Professional

Remote Web Developer: the Advantages of Working with this Professional

In the last few years, remote work has grown exponentially due to the emergence of new professions in the digital environment and the change of mentality at companies.

Have you ever worked with a remote web developer? From Yeeply, we want to tell you the advantages for your company of working with one.

Advantages of working with a remote web developer

Relying on a remote web developer brings a bunch of benefits to your business in many ways. However, looking for a web developer with specific knowledge may not be an easy task.

Although there are increasingly more professionals in the IT sector, the demand for these professionals is growing, which is why there is more competition between companies to recruit them.

If you need to hire a web developer, there may not be many available in your city or who are willing to move. However, if you broaden your search for a web developer worldwide, the options grow enormously.

Find the ideal remote developer for your web project!

programmer working as freelancer
Programmer working from home. Source: Pexels

However, it’s recommended to work with a team that has the same schedule. This to prevent possible miscommunications and to be better reachable when it’s necessary to discuss important details of the web project.

On the other hand, a company can save costs by having one employee less in the office. Think about space, office equipment, employee expenses etc. 

Productivity also tends to be improved by remote working. Keep in mind that many remote web developers work from home. This avoids the daily commute to the office

Besides saving time, people who work from home already have an adequate space in which they feel comfortable doing their job. This enables them to organise their day differently. 

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The biggest challenges & how to avoid them

While the work of a remote web developer can be very beneficial, it can also involve some conflicts. There is nothing more effective than knowing the most frequent problems, to be able to detect and solve them as soon as possible.

Lack of organisation

When having professionals working remotely it’s important to set clear deadlines and organise all tasks. Flowing communication is also essential, such as Skype meetings, using a chat tool like hangouts, answering emails quickly, etc. 

To avoid a lack of organisation, the best thing to do is to determine the internal processes at the beginning of the project. If you choose an experienced remote developer, you probably won’t have any problems with this.

It’s crucial to have references from previous projects that the developer has worked on to make sure he’s the right professional

coding on laptop- remote web developer
Computer with the codes of the project. Source: Unsplash

Lack of commitment

Since a remote web developer is not present at the company’s office, it’s possible that he’s less involved in the project. This depends on the person himself, but it’s possible that he doesn’t feel integrated with the rest of the team.

Therefore, it’s recommended that either periodically or at the beginning of the project, the remote worker spends some time working at the office. If that’s not possible, it’s essential that he at least knows the team.

This because each team member should be aware of the task division and objectives of the project. If the remote web developer is more involved, details will be less likely to be overlooked and he’ll be more motivated.

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Communication problems

Communication issues are often the main cause of conflict when working with remote web developers. When communicating at a distance, the nuance of the conversation can be lost and issues that could hold op the development can be ignored, etc.

Therefore, it’s important that the developer or other team members have the opportunity to share problems they’re facing with the rest of the team. Tools like Slack allows everyone to communicate such things directly in groups or private conversations. 

Solving problems or issues as a team are key in web development projects. The web developer, copywriter, designer, SEO specialist – everyone involved in the project should work closely together for the best result.

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team meeting
Team meeting. Source:Unsplash

Tips for managing remote work

To work with a remote web developer, it’s important to clarify the processes and provide tools that improve the communication of the team. 

Besides, the use of agile methodologies will simplify day-to-day tasks. Some of the tips to effectively manage remote work are as follows:

  • The responsibilities of each member should be clear. Write down the task division so nobody has doubts regarding this. It also helps to know who one should contact to solve specific questions or problems.
  • Use communication tools such as Skype or Hangouts frequently. Video calls and chats help to work in an organised and aligned way.
  • Simplify day-to-day project management. Often, we tend to get lost in endless meetings that aren’t productive at all. Avoid unnecessary meetings and allow the team to focus on their work.
  • Use tools like Slack to keep track of the progress. It allows your team to share updates, files and check off tasks that have been finished. This way, everyone will be able to see the assignment of tasks and the evolution of the project.

If you’re looking for a remote web developer to complement your team, don’t wait any longer! At Yeeply, we connect you with the best experts to carry out your digital project. Contact us to find out more.

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