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Reasons why you need to enrol a growth hacker in your start-up

Reasons why you need to enrol a growth hacker in your start-up

Despite the fact that the growth hacker profile is still quite a recent introduction in companies, you will undoubtedly need to hire one for your start-up. Incorporating an expert growth hacker entails no drawbacks, even if you may be − as yet − unaware of its role.

We encourage you to keep on reading if you want to find out how a marketing growth hacker can help you. Here you will find the key reasons for which you need to hire one as soon as possible.

What is a growth hacker?

We have already discussed the figure of the growth hacker in our blog. However, to bring it back to mind, let’s remember that it is the professional whose mission is to grow the business exponentially whilst using the minimum possible resources for such purpose.

«A growth hacker is a person whose true north is growth.» Sean Ellis

If you own a start-up, you will have set presently your growth goals. Like for instance: reach 10,000 active users within 6 months. The challenge, nonetheless, lies in knowing what actions to take in order to achieve such a goal within the timeframe scheduled.

This is where a growth hacker comes into play. The growth hacker’s only mission is to achieve these goals and − for such purpose − he/she makes use of a combination of knowledge stemming from different areas (marketing, analytics, and programming) to drive growth-oriented actions.

His/her work, though, must be supported by a suitable team, investment, and technology.


When do you need to hire a growth hacker?

If your start-up is taking its first steps and your product or service is yet to be validated, it’s better to wait.

Why so?

When a start-up is in its initial stage, the volume of users may not be relevant enough to be able to draw conclusions. Besides, it’s not unusual at this point that many of these users are acquaintances, friends or family members.

Hire a growth hacker once you attain a stable number of users and offer them a validated product that they truly appreciate. This will be the perfect moment to grow.


 Can we help you find a growth hacker for your company? Please, tell us first what your needs are.


What a growth hacker can do for your start-up

People relate − more often than not − the figure of the growth hacker with the start-up ecosystem, even if the kind of actions that they carry out can be implemented in virtually any company. However, the growth hacker’s work philosophy is better mirrored by the start-up ecosystem, since it is based on experimentation. It’s quite unerring and less risky than the marketing actions of a more traditional kind.

The growth hacker’s function surpasses just capturing traffic, as he/she will chiefly learn about your users while covering every user journey stage.

Growth hacker actions are aimed at having users discover your product, fall in love with it and stay loyal to your company over time.


  1. Attracting users from social networks

Regardless of what kind of product you offer, your users are on social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. By making use of creativity and knowledge, a growth hacker will help you align your social media actions with your company’s global growth goal.

To achieve this, the growth hacker will perform several tasks for your company.

  • Defining your goals. The growth hacker will set through his/her actions the milestones that must be achieved by using a SMART approach. Taking back the initial example of reaching 10,000 users within 6 months, the growth hacker will set the goals for each month in a way that the overall goal is met.
  • Finding your potential users. A growth hacker will help you establish your funnels and identify who your ideal users are. If you define well who your ‘buyer personas’ are and know their age, occupation, interests, problems, etc., it will be much easier and cheaper to impact them on social media.
  • Keep a watch on your rivals. In addition, an expert growth hacker will also study your rivals’ social media strategy. Facebook has recently made available to everyone a very useful tool for marketers: the Ad Library. This is a tool that will allow you to have a look at the campaigns that your rivals are launching and extract some ideas for your own Facebook Ads.


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  1. Attracting customers through SEO

SEO strategies are normally envisaged for the medium term since it takes time for changes in a website to be reflected in search results. In addition, the seniority of the domain also comes into play − which means that recently-created start-ups can do very little in this regard.


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At this point, how can a growth hacker attract traffic through SEO?

  • Long-tail keyword optimisation. (Provided that these keywords are related to the start-up.) By optimising a significant amount of long-tail keywords, while continuing to provide value to users and search engines, you will improve your website’s positioning and increase traffic.
  • Creating a link building strategy. A growth hacker will analyse your rivals’ link building strategies to see if they are really worth replicating in terms of growth. While a traditional SEO course of action would simply and plainly try to replicate it, a growth hacker will only do so if he/she considers it useful to achieve the goals.

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  1. Improve your website’s user-friendliness

Occasionally, the slightest change in design can make the difference between making a profit from sales and losing money. A growth hacking expert will run A/B tests on your website to ensure that the user experience is as optimal as possible and that the goals are met.


You may be interested in: Growth Hacking: strategies to optimise your web conversion


  1. Lead nurturing campaigns

Even if it may strike as being an exhausted formula, e-mail marketing still remains one of the best methods available to a company regarding ROI.

A growth hacker will help you boost your number of subscribers and implement lead nurturing campaigns aimed at converting them into customers. These are some of the actions that may be implemented by a growth hacker:

  • Offering incentives for subscribing.
  • Inserting registration forms in different parts of the web.
  • Launching campaigns for guiding subscribers through the funnel into becoming customers.



Where can you find a growth hacker?

Being somewhat of a novel figure, there are still not many schools specialising in this area that go beyond offering a handful of introductory workshops.

So, how can you find then the growth hacker that your start-up needs?

You may find some candidates in professional networks such as LinkedIn, but why waste time when you can find several candidates without leaving your office?

Yeeply works with some of the finest marketing professionals. We can put you in touch with the growth hackers that will scale your start-up. Without effort, without wasting time and before than you think, you will have several candidates at hand ready to help you put your company on the track of growth.

And as always, our internal certification process guarantees that you have the best professionals at your disposal.


Contact us by clicking on this link to tell us about your project’s goals and we’ll get started. We look forward to your enquiries!


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